Year Established: 1980
Category:  Bakery
Stores in Taiwan: Chain stores:13,Agent:21,Factories:2,Department store counter:1,Tourism factory:1
Franchise Type:  Retail 


1980年獨家取得日本長崎本舖的授權指導,完全承襲正統古法長崎蛋糕(Nagaski Castella)獨特的香氣與細膩的口感,直到現在,講到長崎蛋糕,第一個想到的就是金格。除了率先獲得食品GMP認證,ISO9001品質認證,更榮獲國家品質金像獎榮耀。四十年來堅持以「創新精緻、美味求真」的達人精神,為人們細心烘焙一份自然香醇、無油無負擔的甜食文化。無論是彌月的祝福、婚禮囍事或是做為伴手禮,金格千變萬化的達人滋味,總是大家最滿足的幸福饗宴。


KONIG owned its management right in 1980 , followed the original recipe and baked the cake in special oven to produce Castella cake.

Our Business concept: Innovated, refined, delicious, authentic, customer’s satisfaction. We adapt the natural ingredients and bake it with low temperature and insist not to using any preservatives.  It has been our goal to pursuit better solutions for providing our customers innovated, refined, delicious and authentic products.





Taiwan Stores